miércoles, 13 de octubre de 2010



               What makes each and every person unique? The answer would be the experiences and achievements that we have acquired. But even if we have done these things, it doesn’t matter at all if you can’t remember them. So it is safe to say that memory is what shapes our identity and what it is based on.
              After watching the video, it got me thinking about how we take things we receive at birth granted. Nobody really cares for their senses (like sight and hearing) until we have lost them. It is the same way with our memory. It just seems so natural when you are looking back and laughing at some joke your friends told you the other day, or start crying at a movie you saw last week. But when I saw the man who can’t withhold new memories and the other man who suffers from Alzheimer’s, made it so clear to me that the fact of not being to picture the future, or simply make a cup of tea is a huge impact to someone’s life.
              It got me thinking of what experiences got me here who I am today. We learn and grow by building up our memories. It also inspires me to learn more about these sorts of memory loss and to care for the ones I have right now.

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