miércoles, 18 de agosto de 2010

Perception is Reality

          The definition you see on a dictionary for perception is : the representation of what is perceived. Then if you look up reality, it will say : all of your experiences that determine how things appear to you. So we can deduce that the phrase "Perception is Reality" is right in a way, because we all have different lives, so we have different perceptions. So it is safe to say that everybody's reality is different. Reality is based on how we live and see this world. Imagine that you are a cat,  but if you've been place in an enviroment that only contains dogs, it is very probable that the cat is going to think that it's a dog and behaves like one and have no idea what a cat really is.
          My perception is constantly changing by itself. I think it is because i lived in many countries and they are all very different from each other. Maybe the perception that lasts the most in your brain is the one that you get in your infancy and childhood. So when i went back to Taiwan from Chile, everyone says that my personlity is not like one of a Taiwanese person. Well mainly they think that it is rude to get up in class to throw out trash, but I don't consider it rude at all, in fact, I think I'm doing something good by cleaning after myself.

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